a spec is still a spec

February 4, 2010

Well I’ll have you know it, that although I may be a spec in comparison to the world, I got another commenter!!! I do not know why this makes me happy but having another person commenting my page just made my day. So thank you “chanhcch”. I actually did get a chance to take a look at the new comment before my test and I think I did quite well because of it. SO thank you!

So it has been three days since I last blogged. Well actually I think it is four now, as I can see that my time reads 1:05 am. I am not really sure if I have any real opinions on the world today, although I do wish my residence members would have less fun outside. I mean it would be fine if they invited me sometime to their parties, but I guess that is not how they like to roll.

oh yes! Tomorrow I am going for an interview for a position on a club called AIESEC and I am quite nervous. The email that was sent stated that the duration of the interview would be 1 hour. How am I going to survive?!? A later email also suggested that I wear business casual. To be honest however, I never really understood the difference between business casual and formal wear for guys. I mean when I look at it, it all looks the same. All the people that I have been asking have been telling me to get a cardigan and the problem with that, is that it is very hard to find a nice that is, at the same time well priced. Am I right? So anyways, I hope tomorrow goes well.

I don’t know what it is but the later it gets, the more awake I am. University totally screws up your sleeping habits. It isn’t even about the homework (God knows I don’t do it), I think it is just university life promotes it.

Karaoke and Seoul House is also lined up tomorrow for me. So exciting to try a new Korean Restaurant!!! Well the spec is getting worried about the interview and must practise!

Until next time readers, I bid you good spec-hood!

3 Responses to “a spec is still a spec”

  1. Little Yellow said

    HAHAHA you dont have to call me “chanhcch” =P I just used that email cuz I was afraid of spam haha

    I guess we’re all little specs in this world, but at least you write a blog and reach out to everyone through the internet =D

    One hour inteview?!?! holy crap.. what a weird club.. haha jkjk

    “University totally screws up your sleeping habits.” Yeah I know… It’s almost 5:30 in the morning right now and I have an assigment due in like 2.5 hours.. oh and i have a calculus test too tonight… D=

    Anyways back to work. Good luck with your interview =P

    – Little Yellow

    • Little Yellow said

      Why does it say I posted it at “10:27 am” ? hahaha

      Are you using a different time zone or something? =P

      oh well haha =D

  2. alissatse said

    so do you know who chanhcch is? xD… or i guess um. little yellow xD is? (cause that’s what the display name says)

    i’m sure you aced that test as well! AND g’luck with your interview… i missed your blogging while you were gone haha.

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